Jimmy Wilkins throws out a hammer of a hand down and lands clean on the cover of our new August issue. Strap in, ‘cause this one’s packed with a shitload of surprises. First up, we got Foundation’s newest star Julian Lewis going upstream on the Contents spread. Then we’re on our way to 5 Greats from Tom K and a That’s My Shit from Suciu that’ll give you more pins and films to queue up than you’ll know what to do with. Once the easy reading’s done, jump into our Lest We Forget with pioneering skater and writer Bonnie Blouin. Stay on the brain train as we wax love, death and skateboarding with novelist Kyle Beachy about his new book The Most Fun Thing. Get your head glued on tight after, ‘cause we’re going psycho with Jhancarlos Gonzalez from the Lunatic Fringe and Andrew Fiene’s hill-bombing My War that’ll make you thank God you skate under the speed limit. Name dropping’s a faux pas, unless you’re Ernie Torres talkin’ Ishod, Jim T and our beloved Joe Hammeke in the smash-hit People I’ve Known. For every GT there’s 1,000 nine-to-fiver lifers, so we got a slew of Skaters with Jobs to show what the game looks like as a firefighter, lab technician or even a neurosurgeon—you’re goddamn right he rides with a brain bucket. Keeping on the interview beat, Gregson gets Tom Schaar to set the record straight on Instagram beef with Tas Pappas, witnessing Lizzie’s slam and getting some Grindline runs in Israel. The Heads section gets heavy with Zane Timpson talkin’ close calls on the streets of our fair City, followed by Shintaro Hongo dishing on SD and DC with his Uncle B—that’s Brandon Turner to the rest of you. Closing out the cluster, Jimmy Wilkins fires off about the state of vert skating and crackin’ helmets in Ohio. Speaking of cracked, Felipe Nunes’ No Excuses feature will break your brain with stories and photos of his slams along with a heavy set of moves that fully justify his new pro status on Birdhouse. More mind-melting pages come your way, this time from America’s wang—yep, we’re goin’ to Florida, Man! Jahmir Brown, Jamie Foy and a fat list of notables power through the peninsula as we break stories of pool-side baptisms, wax tragedies and amateur snake charmers on the loose. Restore your mental state to its upright position with our monthly Zounds, featuring Devo’s Jerry Casale, Turnstile, Madness, and Azure Ray. This is the only mag worth its weight in ink, so what are you waiting for?